Our Baby Talk is inspired by Angie Athan’s Baby Talk column printed in The Advocate in the early 1970’s. The column highlighted guests who came in to the restaurant to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, and other special occasions. He also ended the article with football score predictions that he called “Nick’s Pick’s.” Guests loved seeing their celebrations printed in the paper and it inspired others to follow suit. Dean Athan continued this tradition and enjoyed the guest involvement, even when they let him know he made a bad pick!
We are continuing this tradition as we value our guests and appreciate them choosing 1922 ON THE SQUARE to celebrate their special occasion! As news has now also traveled to social media, it has allowed us to read reviews from some of our fans and relay information quickly. We want to share what guests are saying and add them to our new version of Baby Talk.
Make sure to let us know if you are joining us for a special occasion. Check out Baby Talk to see what people are saying about 1922 ON THE SQUARE and information about community events!
Baby Talk will keep you in the loop and let you know what to get excited about!
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook and keep the comments coming!
“The food is absolutely wonderful. Everything we have tried is delicious. I especially recommend the fried Brussel Sprouts. The atmosphere is lovely and classy and the service is top notch. A favorite of ours!”